I know, I am WAY overdue for a little blog update. Both work and personal. Let's start with a little update on some of the photo shoots I have had recently, then stay tuned for a little personal update too!
A little while ago, on a *rare* sunny evening I got to steal my dear (and GORGEOUS) friend Sadie and her two little loves for a quick shoot. I LOVE photographing mommas and their little ones so Sadie and the boys happily obliged and let me have a little fun!

As always, I had a BLAST with these three and came away with some great examples of what "A Momma & her loves" mini session looks like! If you are interested in purchasing "A Momma & her loves" mini session, please email me at karahicksphotography@gmail.com.

I am working on making a huge transition to my little photography business. I have a really cool person working on some branding and visual identity for me and hope to see the launch of my official website and photography blog before the end of the summer! Eeeek (insert a HUGE amount of excitement here!) I am BEYOND excited for this phase of my little business! I can't believe that it has taken me this long, but I feel like the timing is just perfect. Perfect because I finally feel like I know what I love to photograph and I have a WAY better idea of what I want my business to look like now than when I started a few years ago. Heck, when I first "started" I didn't even really know that it was going to turn into a business!!
With that, I know that newborns will be a big focus of the new launch. Why? Because I absolutely ADORE photographing newborns! AHHH-DORE! Exhibit "A"...baby Adelyn, that is. :)

There is something that is so precious, perfect and positively divine about a newborn. The overwhelming love and awe of the beautiful miracle that God chooses to bless mommies and daddies with is just un-real. UN-REAL. It's such a wild time as a new parent, but looking back on when Grady was a newborn, I sure wish I could just bottle everything about those first few weeks and take a little sip here and there. SO - my love of photographing newborns is two-fold. ONE - I get a little taste of the sweet little new lives during the shoots. TWO - I get to capture that special time and those precious moments for these new parents to hold on to for their own for the years to come when it is oh so hard to ever remember your sweet little one having ever been so small...and fitting into daddy's hand so perfectly...

Another one of my absolute favorite things to photograph is the sweet love and awe that the new parents have for their precious new little love...Sara and Justin were not lacking in this area! I just love how you can see the joy and love that they have in their smiles...

I also love to photograph families, and MY family is no exception. Greg and I were down South over Memorial Day Weekend and it was time to do some family photos for my sister and brother in law and their two little loves, Karis and Kellen...

Ok, so photographing your family *might* be a little more challenging than they average family?? But I think we got a few good ones... :)

Love this moment between daddy & daughter...

The kids patience was quickly coming to an end at this point of the shoot (and mommy & daddy's patience may have been shot too)...but there is something about this photo that I love. We were 0/4 on smiles and eye contact with the camera, but I think this is WAY better than smiles and eye contact...
It's them, it's real and it's life. :) And THAT is perfect. :)

Although I love the "little ones", I also photograph "older ones" too. :) I had the privilege of capturing this wonderful family this weekend. Meet the Boyes Fam. Sara, the youngest is graduating from High School this week, and mom wanted to take the opportunity to get some family photos of everyone while big sis, Laura and her hubby were in town from sunny CA for the big event.

Although Laura & Larry were not able to bring the sunny California weather with them, we still had a great shoot!

Don't you think these 3 are just gorgeous?!?

...and don't you think these 3 are just...well...tough guys?!? :)

Thank you SO much to ALL my amazing and fun clients! I have so much fun and feel SO privileged getting to capture you and those that you love...