Tuesday, October 7, 2008


If you leave a tip for your cleaning staff, you will find this in your room upon return...
We are having a great time so far...


The Merks said...

One word...jealous!

Airika Pope said...

I am so jealous!!!

Alicia said...

All I can say is...I second that Paula. JEALOUS!!! PRETTY MUCH SUMS IT UP. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. No lobster bisque I hope.

Anonymous said...

HA! Total don't second or thrid any of the jealous comments. Yep I'm that mean. But what I will say is that I'm going to need you to post more of our pic's on here. Or else I'm going to have Mama Hicks post some Ms. Solaris. HA! Love you!

Ps...What was the first thing you crunched on when you got back? And second...Did you freeze your "Bows" of when landing?

Sadie said...

I tagged you on my blog...check it out.

Dustin Izatt said...

Oh, I am jealous, I love Mexico :) Looks like you guys had an awesome time. I love the towel swans kissing with the heart, adorable.