Tuesday, March 24, 2009

{Life Update}

So it has been a little whiles since I have done an update...
Greg and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary a few weeks ago. I took Greg to Victoria BC...
We stayed in The Oswego...it was simply lovely! This is what we arrived to in our one bedroom suite:
...a nice note from the hotel wishing us a Happy Anniversary!
Our bedroom...
Greg lounging in the living room...
It was a little cloudy and cold when were were there, but we had a ton of fun!
Saturday night we made popcorn in our suite kitchen and hung out just lounging! It was wonderful!
We started our Sunday morning with some french press coffee in our room, then headed out for a lovely breakfast at Milestones. It was delish!
Just a fun photo of our little guy, Red...
We recently received our tickets for the Coldplay Concert this summer!! I can't wait!
"Rain or Shine" 
And I just had to include this one! The view from my desk the first day of "Spring Break" for our students...HA!


Anonymous said...

Love the life update sissy! Thanks for sharing.

The ladies and I will be heading to Vancouver for the Sweet Cold Play concert. We was just a little late to grab the George at the Gorge tickets. Good times!

Heart you!
Lori Girl